Ugh! I am so delinquent in blogging!! And so much has happened! A weekend trip to Asheville, a visit by Kerry and Grandma Pincock, getting in trouble for wrestling other kids at school, a couple of trips to the beach, and so much growing!!
Some new BIG boy tricks:
- As you can see above Graham is now rocking a big boy car seat. Just installed it last night and he loves it. I think its more comfy than the last one.
- Crawling 2.1- it's legit! He is everywhere. We are doing some serious baby proofing this weekend.
- Two-piece pajamas- Who knew that jumpers are only made up to 12 months...at least that's all we can find for him and those are getting snug. His Auntie Kerry bought him his first set of two piece PJs; Shannon cried.
- Resisting being fed- Ugh! He is constantly trying to pull the spoon away and feed himself. It doesn't need to be said that feeding time is getting messy. He loves to eat whatever we eat- chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, BBQ ribs (picture soon)!
- Swimming- We are taking him to our gym and he loves to "swim" with Mom and Dad. He even doesn't mind being dunked!
- Clapping and waving- he is picking up on emotions and some social ques. He claps, waves and reacts ENTHUSIASTICALLY when he recognizes someone.
- Today's stats: 22lbs, 29 inches, 4 teeth
1 comment:
what a big boy!!! We are also now getting into 12 mos jams, and I am VERY distressed by the idea of giving them up. I will probably cry too, Shannon! Love you guys :)
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