- Now holds his bottle pretty easily and will feed himself for most of the bottle.
- More hair...and it's starting to get a little darker.
- Teeth are more visible. He had his two bottom teeth pop out maybe two weeks ago but now they are a lot easier to see.
- Sustained sitting- he is sitting and playing with his toys for 30 minutes or more. He is starting to entertain himself a little more...which is nice.
- Personality keeps developing- he is very smiley right now and loves to laugh. Even when he is winy we can get him to smile.
- Sleeping soundly- we had a little set back when he had a cold and fever and we found him in our bed more than we liked. Shannon has him back into a solid routine and he now sleeps from about 7:30pm to about 6:30am
- FINGER FOODS!- Graham has started eating little rice puffs! He grabs them off of his tray and sticks them in his mouth on his own. He gets every third one in his mouth or so...its amazing how they go from milk/formula/food with no chewing to just knowing that they have to chew.
More to follow!
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