Please excuse our long absence from blogging. Things have been crazy the last two weeks with Shannon going back to work and with me travelling and getting ready to go back to school. Since the last blog a lot has happened.

Graham took his first bottle. It was amazing- we were worried that he would reject it or once he tried it he would reject the boob. None of that happened; in fact, the very first go he ate 5 oz of formula like it was nothing...he practically chugged it. That bottle that I am giving him is 4 oz so we actually had to refill. It was awesome getting to feed him myself for the first time. We wanted to make sure that he was used to a bottle before he had to go to day care and he's been great- no problems with throwing up or excess gas.
Right now even though Shannon is back at work, she is able to pump enough milk so that we only have to supplement once a day. Other exciting news is that at only 7 weeks old we have been able to get him to sleep through the night 3 of the last 4 nights. How we do this is a secret...maybe Shannon and I will write a book.

Since the one month birthday we have also gone on several nature walks. Here we are with Grandma Pincock on a walk around Reservoir Park.

This is actually from our first nature walk at the dog park just before..... started to pour rain. Don't worry he was completely dry and in fact he was asleep the entire time.
Here's a random one of Graham having a bath. He loves a warm bath but he hates the 6 seconds between the warm water and the dry towel. He also surprised us two weeks ago when he rolled over from his stomach to his back on his own.
Sorry these aren't the best pictures. We actually received prints of some professional photos we had taken when Graham was one week old. I will scan and upload those this weekend.
1 comment:
FINALLY! haha. Glad to hear that all is well with Graham and I hope that you two are surviving everything that's going on. :)
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