It's a lot of work being a baby! Here is little Graham passed out right after a feeding. He loves to eat and sleep (who doesn't?) I guess he needs to as much as possible because he is growing like a weed. Today we went for a walk and Graham's head extended by about an inch above the Baby Bjorn when two weeks ago he could still hide completely inside.
Hi, what a cute little guy you've got there. I'm stopping by because I saw a thread you started on google help about your followers not loading on your blog. I'm having this problem and am wondering if you ever got any feedback about it and/or what you ended up doing about it. Thanks!
No, I never got a response. It has never been resolved. I was thinking of starting over under another URL but now that seems like too much work. We'll see.
Thanks for the complement on Graham!
glad to see that the baby is doing well!! Saw your comment on my last post and wanted you to know that there are a bunch of updates now over at outnthewest. love you guys!
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